Aw…bibliobeth turns 6!

Published January 5, 2019 by bibliobeth

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What? Six years? I’ve been blogging SIX YEARS? It’s hard to believe but there you go. As always, a huge thank you to everyone who has left me a comment, like whether you’ve followed me from the very beginning or are a more recent follower, I appreciate you all and love the little interactions we have.

This past year I’ve watched my little blog grow a bit more and have had my best year ever in terms of views, comments and likes. It’s not all about the stats, of course but I always get a bit surprised and overwhelmed when anyone says they like what I’m doing – it means the world to me.

I’m loving the friendships that I’ve made since starting bibliobeth and some of those have got incredibly strong over this past year. I know I can rely on these people for a good chat, support and advice even if it isn’t blog or book related and I’m so very grateful for that and for them being part of my lives.

This past year was also the year I started buddy reading in earnest. I’ve always buddy read with my sister and fellow blogger, Chrissi Reads. We have a regular “Talking About” feature and of course, there’s our Kid-Lit and Banned Books challenges which we complete on a monthly basis. However, I also started buddy reading with Janel from Keeper Of Pages, Stuart from Always Trust In Books and Jennifer from Tar Heel Reader and I’m just loving my reading experiences with them. Also, they are all brilliant and amazing people so if you don’t follow them, you really, really should!

Today I feel like a very lucky blogger indeed and to say thank you (and because it is tradition for my blogiversary) I’d like to host a giveaway. I’ll be giving one person a chance to win FOUR BOOKS of their choice from either Amazon or The Book Depository. The only stipulations are that they can’t be textbooks or ridiculously priced books but of course, this will be discussed with the winner.

I will keep it open until the end of January so you have lots of time to enter and once I’ve chosen a winner at random, I’ll contact you and you can let me know your address for receiving your lovely goodies! Please make sure if you are under 18 you have permission to email me your address which will only be used for the purpose of this giveaway and not stored.

Please note: this giveaway IS international as long as Amazon/Book Depository delivers to you!

Please enter below and good luck everyone!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

96 comments on “Aw…bibliobeth turns 6!

  • Yay! Congrats Beth, I’m so happy for you 🙂 Some of my fave parts of your blog are your reviews and the British Books Challenge 🙂
    Thank you so much for the giveaway 🙂
    Megan S.

  • You. I enjoy you. On your blog, on twitter, wherever. I’m so glad we “met” and we should really have another insane twitter gif session 😉

    Happy blogiversary! Six years is incredible! Here’s to many, many more! 😘

  • Happy Blogaversary! This is going to be/seem like a boring answer, but I LOVE how organized your blog is! When I visit blogs I like to check out their reviews of books I love (and sometimes of the books I hate) to see if we have similar tastes, and I also keep clicking around following ‘trails’ to find other books in the same genre, for example.
    Andyour blog is aaaawesome for that! It’s a pleasure to browse.
    – Reese

    • It’s not a boring answer at all! I really appreciate it thank you. I’m not that brilliant with graphics etc but it’s nice to know I’ve made something that’s simple enough to navigate. Thank you so much 😊

  • Happy Blogiversary to one of my faves! 6 years! I’m just a baby blogger by comparison, and I adore you and everything about your blog. Thank you for the buddy reads- they were a highlight of my 2018 year, and I know they will continue to be in 2019. You read the best books and are always adding to my TBR. You write beautiful, thoughtful reviews. And shelfie-by-shelfie is the best meme ever (even if did expose my books on my stairs! 💃) I’m so grateful our paths crossed and to have made a friend as endearing and empathic as you. ♥️ xoxo

  • Happy Blogiversary 🥂 I cannot believe you’ve been at it for six years, that’s amazing, I bow down to you blogging queen!! Is it bias to say your reviews of the books we buddy read are my favourite thing, haha! I love that you have regular features with your sister, it’s so cool that you both love to read! Keep up the awesome blog!

    • Hello Instagram queen right over there! Erm…that’s you. 👸🏽 Haha not biased at all but what – you don’t like ANYTHING ELSE I WRITE?! 😂 I’m obviously joking 😉 you’re a huge part of my blogging experience as you know and I look forward to much more literary and non-literary fun together!

      • Erm….well….about the other stuff you write…well, it’s….er…. BRILLIANT! I had you worried there for a minute, didn’t I 😂

        I’ll wear my crown with pride as should you!! 😂 Also, did I mention the nonfiction book we should buddy read together? Have you read Helter Skelter? It’s the true story of the Manson murders, It was Manson that loosely inspired The Girls novel by Emma Cline!

  • Huge congratulations Beth – I love the fact that I can trust your reviews as you’ve never fallen into the trap of promoting books that don’t quite work for you although of course being a top reader you find many that do to fill up my bookshelves.

  • I’m so glad to have discovered your blog in 2018, your reviews and discussions bring me so much joy 😍 and we have so much in common in our reading tastes! Here’s to a great reading year in 2019 📚❤️

    • Ah that’s so blinking nice!! 😍 Thank you so much, you’ve left me some of the most amazing comments and I’ve felt I’ve really started to get to know you this past year! Looking forward to what 2019 will bring. 🤗

  • Congrats, darling! Six years is just, well, amazing!! I cannot tell you how very thankful that I am to have met you almost 2 years ago; having you for a friend has been such a blessing in my life! Your blog just makes me happy! I love your reviews and how we so often have the same reading tastes! And this year we have to do a buddy read-hold me too it! Hugs! xoxo ♥

    • Aw thank you for all the lovely things you say – not just now but over the past two years. You’ve been an ocean of support to me and I’ll always be grateful for your friendship. YES WE WILL DO A BUDDY READ! 😂

      • Aww, you’re welcome! You’re a treasure, Beth! I’m always here for you and you’ve been so supportive of me too! Such a true friend! Yay!! I look forward too it. I’ve lost my blogging mojo at the moment…it’s still in the Bahama’s where we spent the holidays, but I’ll have to get it back soon since I have review books about to release in the next couple of weeks. But being lazy is nice, lol.

      • I’ve totally lost mine too!! 😫 I know what you mean, January is such a busy month for me with ARC’s I need to get it back quickly. Hope you had a nice holiday? 😁

    • Thank you so much! Sorry for the late reply, your comment went in my spam folder for some strange reason! 😦
      That’s so lovely to say, as you know I really enjoy yours too and lots of luck with the giveaway. 🙂

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